Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Natural Face Scrubs - Green Tea

Gosh, I feel like I haven't had the chance to research, make and try anything new for the past year...Am safely back in the game now!

There was a pile of used green tea leaves so high, that I was determined to do something with them.

Green tea is an antioxidant inside AND outside the body, so even in teabag form, it is worth saving to reuse.

What I am learning is that adding water into the mix is what might reduce the shelf life of any fun products that you might make, but in general, ANYTHING from your kitchen can work well as a home-made scrub...ANYTHING!!

Green tea, oatmeal, honey (worth mixing in a blender)

Green tea, lemon juice, honey

Basically anything with green tea would tea + sugar, green tea + baking soda.....

What this teaches us is that we have everything we need and we do not need buy any of the high street store, mass-produced crap on the shelves. So much of this stuff contains palm oil, which is the main cause of rainforest destruction in Indonesia....more on that in the next post!

Keep it natural,for you and for the rest of the world.

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