Friday, July 1, 2011

Wedding anniversary

2nd July 2011.

Supposed to be hosting the animal food drive today to collect stuff for JEARS, but there are about three people confirmed and the weather is set to be stormy!

Actually, this wasn't the original date for it. It has been moved forward from last month, so, as it stands at 0840, I am not sure how the first year anniversary will map itself out.

I have to go to the hospital shortly too. My left thigh has a torn muscle or something raged painful that is hindering my walking (with and without dogs).

It has been a week of ailments from a weak wrist, to the never-healed broken toe and the never-mended sprained ankle.

I may be at the hospital a while!

Happy first anniversary! (^O^☆♪

((Last year, we collected our wedding certificate, collected Elbi and went to meet friends (with Elbi) for okonomiyaki! This year, I just got a crutch from the hospital. We are so untraditional!))

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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