Sunday, March 11, 2012

3/ year one

The Blog has been neglected of late due to extra studies. But, I have to write my thoughts on today.

I thought it important to share today with friends given the sheer atrocity of this day last year. It was a lovely day in Tokyo; the sun was shining and positive vibes were plenty.

We ate a great (British) lunch and then moved to a nearby cafe. A few of us stopped on a bridge at 2.46pm to remember. It was peaceful, sunny and we all stared thoughtfully into the murky water below. What got me was that not a single car stopped; not another pedestrian paused for thought. It seems Tokyo really never stops. That made me sad, sadder than the events themselves.

Since last year, there have been endless stories of positivity, progress and peace. Residents of Tohoku have come so far (not all of them, it must be also noted and still many are suffering in shelters) and we have to take this as our inspiration. If they can move on and look ahead then, so can we.

 Japan, Tohoku - we love you.

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