Sunday, May 20, 2012

Annular Solar Eclipse / 金環日食

Like an eager kid, I prepared my personal cardboard pinhole! -  Fortunately, in true 'Lee' style, it was Hello Kitty packaging!!

The day began sunny enough - this was at 0640, when I woke so fast thinking I had missed it! Seriously, I don't get out of bed that fast for work... 

 It quickly clouded over, allowing us (kind of) to look at the sky, but not give us a great view of the sun and moon together.

But then, here and there, little breaks in the cloud provided the answer to my prayers!
The moon in action!!

If you look closely enough...

Reflection on the rice field...Er, you had to be there!
Through the power lines!

Through the funny glasses

Eighteen years ago, I witnessed the full eclipse in Cornwall, England. The whole place went dark for five minutes and the cows went to sleep and the birds stopped singing. This morning, it was more of a sight to behold than a sound not to hear. We didn't have glasses (didn't know about the eclipse until the last minute!), so, I made the pinhole, but it wasn't bright enough for shadows. Our neighbours and some fellow dog walkers shared their specs with us and we were lucky to share in this unique moment in history.

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