Saturday, September 10, 2011


I work from lists. I write and re-write and eventually things get done.

Procrastination can come in so many shapes and sizes, as we well know.

This weekend, I have found myself making bags with duct tape and also old T-shirts....
From an old T-shirt

Made using duct tape

Counting my suddenly impressive collection of Kokeshi dolls....
Kokeshi dolls originate in Tohoku. The dolls are simple wood figures with no head, no legs. Some speculate that they symbolise the death of unwanted babies during 18th Century. The dolls are a great symbol of the region. I made one too - Can you guess which one?!

 And, I also tried my hand at self-mutilation....
OK, it was an accident. Let me tell you, caramalised sugar from the hot pot is HOT!
On the list, you can see the words 'pineapple' and 'carrot'.  This weekend, I was going to attempt my first jams.....It went rather wrong, shall we say and three fingers have been scalded, this one being the worst.
4 days later....yuk!

Cook I am not, but it won't stop me trying.

Now, to work on the rest of that list.....

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