Saturday, August 13, 2011

Green fingers, sticky fingers

So, perhaps inspired from a sugar high after eating this, -
Amazing blueberry dessert in delicate puff pastry.
 Must be eaten with a knife & fork!!
I remembered that 'My pace' was a slow one if not pushed gently in the right direction.

From now on, things on this blog will vary so much from my slowly developing hobby of flowers and greenery to things like home made beauty remedies (Oh, the things you can do with olive oil!!! More soon).

I figure that if I use the blog for them, then there are all my notes thanks to a simple tag.

My love of flowers etc has been around since my very early years, when my mother let me have some of the garden to make a veggie patch. Since then, I admit I haven't paid much attention to anything other than the colours and whether I can keep them a live or not.

All that shall change henceforth.

I want to try and learn names, know seasons and such intricate details for the little things that light up our garden. And, it is having this garden that has got me all excited about plants once again.

So, with my tag 'green fingers', I shall collate some sort of diary about our garden life!!

One of the main plants I am fascinated by, mostly because it survived our 3 week absence by simply soaking in the sunlight is the ANTHURNIUM. It's a flamingo lily, I think and apparently its flowers are hermaphrodite (male and female).

Mine is red, to match the wild room colours. Here it is in all its glory next to a little Marimo (moss ball) I bought today (You may not be able to see, but there are small red beads in the jar - it really is all about co ordination.)

Tomorrow, we have another delivery from the garden centre. This time it's decking and the like. Not enough flowers for my liking. Actually, there really never are enough!

However, as I plant, I promise to study and learn, as well as make beautiful baskets!

Right, now to my other blogs!! Busy, busy, but still...My Pace!!!

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