Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The JEARS flyer

They accepted my flyer (you know the one to collect donations), at the local supermarket!!!!!

And it only took two members of staff and a phone call to a third!!!

I was so taken aback when the lady came and said it was OK that i was all about ready to take the laminated flyer back from her and out it in my bag!

This is such a good thing for us. Remember I have said earlier that the flyer was nowhere to be seen at the let store where I they accepted it. And remember there have been a couple of pointless rejections. This could be a turning point!

Now, if word can spread...

Also in the good news stakes today, we got a phone call about Susie! They will try to bring her tomorrow from Heart. (Tsunami survivor! I met her at the end of March on my first trip with JEARS, she was in Niigata at the time.)

Things are very exciting indeed!

And this weekend, we will have our food drive for the animals,so let's see how much we can collect!!

Rest assured there will be plenty of pics! Here is another one is Susie in the meantime.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


1 comment:

  1. AWESOMEEEEEEEE!! Hopefully that will start the ball rolling.Very excited about Susie for you!
