Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pictures..The JEARS flyer

OK, so, yesterday I had my first success (apart from my work, who who probably drawn by some sort of obligation).

Here is the flyer at the local supermarket....I had the chance to check it today and unlike the pet store, they have actually put it up!!

And as for my day?

Well, Susie arrived! Our little survivor friend from the north!!

By now, she has travelled around more of Japan than most of us! Remember, I had met her in Niigata? Well, she had come from Tohoku before moving there. And then, she was taken to HEART, Tokushima. now, finally she has been delivered to us! Bless her!

Here is her meeting Elbi. We are sure they will get along.
There may be a small adjustment period, but she loves love, just as much as Elbi, so we will be sure to give it and share it!

It is great to be able to be part of the continuing JEARS story.

If you are reading this and know someone able to foster or adopt, please contact someone at jears -

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