Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bill's T-Shirts

My dear friend, Bill, who used to live in Ishinomaki, an area hard hit by the earthquake and the tsunami, is printing these tee shirts.

They are 20 Canadian dollars, which will go towards the fund for Japan.

If you wish to buy from abroad, please add some postage to the costs, so more money can be sent to Japan. If you are in Montreal he will deliver it to you personally!

The design on the tee shirt will be this -

So, please think about helping out.

We will be ordering from Japan, so if you want to share the packet with us, it might make sense.

T-shirts. Ladies and Men's sizes.
To help the victims of the 03/11 Tsunami.
20$ Canadian. (+shipping if you live outside of Mtl)
PHONE: (514) 616-8030.
I have paypal, so you can pay by credit card

Thank you for your support and help.


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