Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Round two...

This woman has the gall to use her kids, in masks no less, to create more unnecessary drama.

I wonder, if she has been living here for ten years, why does she despise Japan so much that she would do this?

So...I couldn't hold back....

To the writers of The Sun's FALSE stories with Keely Fujiyama.


Life in Japan is getting back to what normality it can after such devastating events and you allow an imbecile such as Keely to tell you the way things 'are'.

Just how many people have you actually spoken to about life in Japan?

I live here and nothing is as she says.

I hope to God you have not paid her any money for her LIES. I used to live in the north and my friends are suffering from this catastrophe. Yet, someone like her, with no morals, no sense and no compunction for her actions has the nerve to phone you up with a 'story'.

Please stop this false reporting. It is hurting everyone around, people in Japan as well as people outside.

Can I tell you for reference, that some foreigners have left because of hurried, ill advice from their embassies, yet, the majority of the foreigners here want to stay because, not only is everything fine and under control, but they want to stay and show this.

How can you let someone push their kids into the limelight of the story? Can you not see that she is glorifying this. This is her 'glory' and you have allowed her to have it. I hope you are proud.

This stupid lady Keely has no idea what it is like. Her apartment is intact and her husband is going out to earn what seems to be quite a substantial living if they are considering buying a 4x4 at the drop of the hat, which in itself is a stupid move if there is no gas as she says.

However, gas in Tokyo is fine.

I would be intrigued to know where and how her husband is handing out food and why her family gets none of it...

And this other guy, Chris Gould, who has been panic buying is one of the idiots hoarding food and preventing us from buying it to send up north. He is the selfish, stupid one.

Sure, we knew there were earthquakes in Japan and that is exactly why the infrastructure is built to support it. In the rare case it 'falls apart', as he says, Japan is there ready to fix it. The expressway was fixed within days so that food and support could travel by road to the affected areas. And just today, I heard that the port of Ishinomaki is ready for use, making all the ports in the north ok.

I dare you to respond to this (and my other email) to get a truthful account of what is happening here. Yet somehow I doubt you will. My story simply does not create enough drama or panic for the likes of you and I fear I would not help you make your sales target for the day.

Oh, a side note. How much has The Sun donated to this cause, not counting the pain and anger from those articles?

Leonora Sophie

1 comment:

  1. I was shocked to read that in the Sun as well... there are so many discrepancies... at least they could have use a better photo of her...
